Find new opportunities at Mintly

Do you succeed through pursuit of innovation and uncompromising determination? Well, wouldn’t you know, so do we.

Psst! We offer you more.

Not just a job, but a path to ambitious achievements.

Our projects are full of opportunities that allow you to grow as an expert to a level that many dare not dream of.


You get to bring positive change to our culture, where innovation is valued.

Make excellence

Work alongside Finland’s most skilled professionals, on challenging and meaningful projects.

Rise to the top

In this team and on these projects, your development is guaranteed, whether you’re just starting your promising career or a seasoned veteran with plenty of experience.

Enjoy your time

Don’t tell anyone, but this is actually the most important thing. If you don’t mind coming to work on Monday, we’ve done something right.

Mintly NPS result 74/100

It’s all true.

The anonymous employee survey conducted in March 2024 shows that our talk is not just hot air.

Mintly’s employee eNPS (employee Net Promoter Score) satisfaction survey result is an impressive 74/100. A score of over 50 on the eNPS scale is considered excellent in Finland.

Mintly is a unique workplace in that even when there’s a lot to do, you don’t mind coming to work on Mondays.

Even if you’re in the industry and the job benefits are on point, come by for a coffee or lunch! You’ll see how everything is more fun in this team.

Mintly tiimipalaveri kahviossa
No need for fake smiles at the office.
Mintly tyhypäivä
Wellness days often take us outdoors.
Mintly Olli Tuononen
Basic Monday feeling.
Mintlyn tiimi kädenvääntöhommissa
Arm wrestling possible, but not mandatory..-

A couple more words about us…

We invest in your expertise

We value and continuously develop our employees’ skills by offering challenging tasks and training opportunities.

We value your independence

Your job description includes independent – but not lonely – work on Finland’s most significant and challenging network and cybersecurity projects.

Additionally, you should be able to and willing to collaborate with our clients.

We conduct security clearances for all employees

We are a company with the highest level of security. This means that we can only hire you if you pass a thorough security clearance.

To pass the clearance, you need, among other things, a clean criminal record and Finnish citizenship.

Office in Espoo, but you can work remotely

Our headquarters are located in Espoo, near Helsinki.

We’ve enjoyed it here greatly, but you can also perform your work effectively remotely.

Mintly tiimi Mintly-lipun kanssa

We have strong expertise in the field of computer networks and cybersecurity. We listen, plan, and efficiently implement computer networks, always prioritizing the interests of our clients. We operate flexibly on a global scale, and our customer relationships are faithfully characterized by our relaxed, personal, and uncomplicated style.

When you apply to us, please remember to mention at least these:

Your work history

Your up-to-date resume would be nice to see. Attach a current CV to your application.

Description of yourself and your skills

We especially value evidence of your skills in the form of manufacturer-specific certifications or successfully managed projects.

Work with us?

Send your application