Security architecture design

From the cloud to the laptop, from the firewall to the security policy – we understand the security needs of businesses.

Improving security as a comprehensive project or for a specific need.

We know all the best technologies in the field and have decades of experience in implementing and utilizing them across various sectors, including major publicly traded companies and critical public sector entities. Thus, there is no shortage of expertise and experience in our projects.

In addition to technical solutions, we also offer assistance in evaluating and implementing security strategies, policies, and practices.

  • Independent integrator – we always choose the solution that best suits your company
  • We hold a security certification granted by the Defense Forces
  • We manage the lifecycle of all devices, software, and supports purchased from us – for free
  • Our service is ISO27001 certified

We have the best expertise in the industry, just ask our customers.

Agnico Eagle asiakastarina pääkuva: pohjoista luontoa ilmakuva

Project delivery

Agnico Eagle: Automation and cybersecurity at the core

“As a result of our collaboration, we have achieved a communication architecture that is functional, redundant, manageable, secure, and scalable to meet the needs of the future.”

Sami Ruopsa

IT & Automation General Supervisor at Agnico Eagle’s Kittilä Mine, Agnico Eagle

ABB Asiakastarinan pääkuva: rahtilaiva merellä

Project delivery

ABB: Communication of maritime systems

The solutions emphasize the requirements set by high availability, and as a result, meticulously defined testing, which is also monitored by maritime classification societies.

Timo Kauniskangas

Marketing director, Mintly

Istekki asiakastarina pääkuva: lääkäreitä leikkaussalissa

Project delivery

Istekki Oy: Reliability and Dependability as the Starting Point

Mintly’s professionals are highly knowledgeable and agile, providing prompt service. They understand the needs of the end customer, resulting in solutions that always meet the requirements and account for the specific features of the industry.

Aripekka Matikainen

Head of Telecommunications Department, Istekki Oy

PunaMusta Media Oyj asiakastarinan pääkuva: mies tyytyväisenä etätöissä tietokoneellaan.

Project delivery

PunaMusta Media: The entire business relies on information systems

“The best thing about our new network solution is that we no longer receive feedback from users – the network just works. When I visit different locations of our company, the user experience is consistent everywhere.”

Atso Norppa

ICT Director, PunaMusta Media Oyj, PunaMusta Media

Wide range of services

Are you looking for a reliable expert in cybersecurity and computer networks?

Send us a message