Out-of-Band backup connection

When your business can’t afford any downtime, we offer a backup connection that works even when your primary connections are down.

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Manage your devices even when the connections are down.

Backup 4G connection

We bring a console server to your location, which can provide a redundant 4G connection from different operators to every corner of the world.

We guarantee operation at critical moments.

We monitor 24/7 to ensure the service is operational. We constantly check that connections are working all the way to the devices running your critical business operations. This way, we can be sure that everything works when the worst happens.

Specialized technology

We provide the service with technology designed specifically for this purpose. We can modularly tailor the device to fit a specific location, for example in terms of performance and port numbers. This way, you don’t have to pay for unnecessary features. The hardware can also run other applications or virtualize other hardware.

Kuvituskuva: tehdasalue metsän keskellä

We have years of experience collaborating with several giants in the Finnish manufacturing industry, and we know how costly communication outages can be in such businesses.

That’s why we’ve developed a service that ensures constant connections everywhere. The service also speeds up troubleshooting of original connections and enables connectivity even during maintenance outages.

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