Phishing message simulation and reporting service
Through PhishMan’s phishing message simulation and reporting service, users are trained to identify harmful phishing messages and protect themselves from them.
Inquire morePhishing, the act of deceiving users through malicious and forged messages, aims to obtain users’ login credentials and other sensitive information by tricking them into opening malicious links and attachments or providing their credentials to fake websites. Phishing is the most common form of cybercrime, and we have developed our service to address the challenges it brings.
Our simulation and reporting service is based on educating and training users through simulated phishing messages. The service is built on the Cofense solution, allowing for customization based on each customer’s needs and considerations of their environment. Using simulation messages tailored to the customer’s environment, we safely simulate phishing attacks. Our experts create simulation messages based on global trends and current events, drawing from monthly bulletins produced by the Cyber Security Center.
The phishing training and simulation service can be customized according to your company’s needs, and with human intelligence, we can utilize internal knowledge to create simulations. The service is conducted with the company’s needs and preferences in mind, training users to identify harmful phishing messages and report them accordingly.
The simulation and reporting service provides customers with reports and analyses, allowing them to review the results of the simulations. The reports reveal metrics such as how quickly users clicked simulated phishing links, opened message attachments, or provided login credentials to fake websites. Through the reports, users who successfully reported simulated messages can be identified and encouraged to continue identifying harmful messages more effectively. Conversely, users who fell for simulated phishing messages can be identified, and they can be provided with personalized additional training and encouragement.
Contents of our PhishMan -service
- Initial meeting to define the scope of the service, such as the start date of simulations and system implementation.
- Quarterly situation reviews, where the results of simulation messages produced in the service are reviewed and the service is developed according to the situation and customer needs.
- Creating and scheduling current simulation messages.
- Customization for individual customers and consideration of customer needs.
- Positive training and material production.
Markku Helli
Sales Director, Digital Identities