Mintly Asset Management

Important information about your entire device fleet from one place, with a promise that device support and licenses won’t accidentally expire.

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Mintly’s customers can easily manage their device fleet and don’t need to stress about expiration dates.

Your company likely has devices from various manufacturers, right? This also means multiple licensing models, support levels, and renewal methods, all of which are dispersed across different portals. As our customer, you can manage all this information in one portal, and we promise to monitor the lifecycle of your device fleet, licenses, and device support.

All of this is completely free! You get an asset management database, a team that monitors its lifecycle, and dashboards from the portal showing the lifecycle status of your device fleet, all freely available simply by being a Mintly customer.

  • The portal is free for every Mintly customer.
  • By default, all devices, support, and licenses purchased from Mintly are visible.
  • You can also upload all non-Mintly purchased devices to the database.
  • With the dashboard, you can see the lifecycle status of your device fleet at a glance.

We help you take control of your device fleet.


No need to monitor each manufacturer’s device fleet in separate portals.

Peace of mind

You will receive a notification from us well in advance of a license or device support expiration date. If a device is at the end of its lifecycle, we offer our assistance in updating the infrastructure.


Nowadays, the functionality of devices is increasingly tied to their licenses. As a Mintly customer, you don’t have to stress about your infrastructure not working due to an expired license.

And that’s not all…

Our portal is constantly evolving, with new features added every month. Naturally, customer requests always take priority in our development queue.

Managing a modern device infrastructure for business network needs is complex. Mintly’s Asset Management service simplifies this process, providing an easy way to maintain a secure and efficient network without surprises or crises.

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