Sustainability at Mintly
Ethical sustainability is a concern not just for everyone of us employed at Mintly, but also for the Mintly Group of companies and our stakeholders. A respect for human rights, the environment, and the climate gives a meaning to what we do and increases well-being.
Sustainability policy overviewSounds nice, but what does it mean in practice?
We are providing solutions that best serve our customers while being as sustainable as possible. We are also aware of our clients’ own corporate ethical sustainability too, and recognize that we are part of that sustainability chain.
We demand the same from our stakeholders, so that the whole supply chain is held accountable for the economic, social and environmental impacts of its activities.
Ultimately, we believe that it all boils down to this…
A skilled and thriving team
We constantly value the skills of our employees by offering them challenging tasks and opportunities for training they feel they need.
Sustainable solutions
We provide solutions that help our customers achieve their environmental goals. We provide comprehensive services that are optimized for energy efficiency. We are a reliable partner and choose our partners responsibly.
Minimizing environmental impact
We aim to make a difference to our value chain, for instance, by optimizing logistics, by promoting the circular economy, by recycling, and by supporting smart mobility and teleworking. We use 100% renewable electricity and heat on our premises with CO2-free district heating.

Our sustainability work focuses on the well-being and health of all our employees. These are the sustainability issues over which we have the most influence and are the most actively involved, and which also have a direct impact on customer and employee satisfaction. In all our activities, it is important that we recognize our duties as a sustainable company.
Human rights and work-life balance
In line with Mintly’s values, everyone’s contribution is taken into account to ensure the well-being of our staff. We have an equal opportunities policy, which means we respect different identities and give equal opportunities to each.
We also act in accordance with internationally recognized human rights and human rights commitments, as well as our national laws and regulations – we expect the same from our stakeholders. We do not accept forced or child labour in any form.
We also comply with the Collective Agreement for Information Technology Services and recognise the freedom of association for all our employees. We have a shop steward elected by our staff.
Environment and climate
The Mintly Group complies with applicable legislation and regulations on environmental and climate issues. Our operations and our site are ISO14001 certified and we are committed to continuous improving the level of environmental protection.
The products, services, and solutions we buy and sell are produced with the least possible impact on the environment. We’re committed to protecting the environment and preventing pollution, and the waste we produce is recycled and/or disposed of in accordance with the law.
We also measure, monitor and evaluate the environmental impact of our operations and supply chain in our attempts to reduce material use and waste generation. We are working towards a full life-cycle environmental impact assessment of the goods and services we provide. This will set future requirements for our supply chain to minimize environmental impact.
We are committed to operating in as transparent and responsible manner as possible. For all cases of perceived misconduct ,and any activities that appear to be unethical, immoral or illegal, you can report them to Mintly’s Whistleblowing channel.
Click here to go to the Whistleblowing channel
The Whistleblowing channel is for reporting misconduct only, not customer feedback! Reports made through this channel are completely anonymous.
More information on whistleblower protection
The Whistleblower Protection Act came into force on 1 January 2023. The Act builds on the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive, or “Whistleblowing Directive”, which obliges organizations with 50 or more employees to provide their staff and external stakeholders with a reliable channel of communication for reporting misconduct or suspected misconduct.
One of Mintly’s core principles is accountability and we want this to be reflected in the way we manage this area. We value feedback and encourage everyone to report any inappropriate behaviour, concerns, or suspicions they might have. Disclosures are made anonymously and each report is carefully reviewed in confidence by three people designated for the task.
We use the channel provided by Efecte at, where you can click on the button labelled “Report misconduct anonymously”, without needing to log in or use any Efecte credentials. The system randomly generates a user ID and password for each report made and these IDs cannot be traced back to the reporter. The system will provide instructions on how to make a report when making the report. If you wish to follow the progress of the report, it’s advisable to save the user name and password. Anonymous accounts will be deleted after three months of inactivity and cannot be restored thereafter.
When making a disclosure, the whistleblower may choose to contact us for a face-to-face discussion. In this case, the identity of the reportee will be kept confidential throughout, and the information collected in the report will be processed in the manner required by data-protection legislation. The whistleblower will also be protected from retaliation under the EU Whistleblowing Directive. The information contained in the report will be kept for as long as the purpose for which it was submitted, or as required by law.