Fit Tammisto Gym: Website encryption in order in less than a day

This reference originally comes from Wesentra Ltd, which has recently joined the Mintly family through an acquisition. We are proud of our expanding range of services, committing ourselves to even better network and cybersecurity services.

Fit Tammisto tunnelmakuva asiakastarinassa: mies juoksumatolla

Tammisto Gym noted on September 28, 2017, that the promotion of the new gym opening in Tammisto would begin, and the website’s online store was still incomplete due to the lack of an SSL certificate. Fit Tammisto Gym contacted Wesentra at 2:16 PM and informed them of the urgency of the situation.

The organization was verified, and the certificate was in place the next morning at 10:53.

Thank you, Pertti and the whole team. Incredibly fast action!!!

Riku Kärkkäinen

CEO, Fit Tammisto Fitness Centre

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