Valmet Automotive: Mintly’s certification expertise is top-notch.

This reference originally comes from Wesentra Ltd, which has recently joined the Mintly family through an acquisition. We are proud of our expanding range of services, committing ourselves to even better network and cybersecurity services.

Valmet: mies tarkastaa työstettyä teräksistä akselia

Mintly Ltd provides assistance to Valmet Automotive Ltd in SSL certificate management. According to Timo Tuominen, responsible for IT infrastructure at Valmet Automotive, the importance of SSL certificates should not be underestimated, as they play a significant role in the credibility of companies. He believes that Mintly provides easily accessible assistance with certificates, and their expertise is top-notch.

Valmet Automotive designs and manufactures cars at the Uusikaupunki car factory. Currently, the factory produces Mercedes GLC SUVs and new A-Class cars.

“Our specialty is that we can produce batches of various sizes in serial production. Previously, we have manufactured multiple products simultaneously,” Tuominen mentions.

The use of certificates increases credibility.

“The service format we have acquired is such that Mintly has arranged for us a so-called certificate pool of Entrust services, where we can freely renew and create certificates within the pool. We have grown quite rapidly recently, and we have received extensions to the pool quickly as we have needed them,” Tuominen explains.

The basic idea of the SSL certificate provided by Entrust is that through it, a third party can ensure, when visiting Valmet Automotive’s website, that the content truly belongs to Valmet Automotive.

In today’s world, credibility in digital media is as important as credibility in general. Certificates establish the foundation for the reliability of website content by indicating that the contents are genuinely produced by us.

Timo Tuominen

IT Infrastructure Manager, Valmet

The service is flexible

Mintly offers various service concepts. The self-service nature of the service used by Valmet Automotive currently fits well with their needs, according to Tuominen. He emphasizes that Mintly’s expertise in certificates is of a very high level. Tuominen also regards Mintly as a flexible company with helpful staff who are easy to reach.

This service package suits our needs. When functioning correctly, certificates should practically be an invisible service for website users, and that’s what it has been.

Timo Tuominen

IT Infrastructure Manager, Valmet

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