Information security architecture design

From cloud to laptop, firewall to security policy, we know your business security needs.

Improve your information security in terms of a specific need or as part of a project

We know all the best technologies in the industry and we have decades of experience implementing and them in various ways across multiple sectors – both for large listed companies and public sector organisations. We have expertise and experience.

As well as providing technical solutions, we can also help evaluate and implement information security strategies, policies and practices.

  • Independent integration means we can choose the best technology for you
  • We have security clearance vetting from the Finnish Defence Forces
  • We offer free lifecycle management for all the hardware, software and support you buy from us
  • Our service is ISO27001 certified

We have the best expertise in the industry, just ask our customers

Agnico Eagle asiakastarina pääkuva: pohjoista luontoa ilmakuva

Project delivery

Agnico Eagle: automation that’s secure to the core

“As a result of our collaboration, we now have a telco architecture with redundancy safeguard that’s secure, manageable, scalable, and smooth”

Sami Ruopsa

IT & Automation General Supervisor at Agnico Eagle’s Kittilä Mine, Agnico Eagle

ABB Asiakastarinan pääkuva: rahtilaiva merellä

Project delivery

ABB: Telecommunication networks for the marine industry

“We had to make sure the network was available at all times, and that testing was well-defined so it met the classification requirements of the shipping industry”

Timo Kauniskangas

Head of Sales & Marketing, Mintly

Istekki asiakastarina pääkuva: lääkäreitä leikkaussalissa

Project delivery

Istekki Oy: reliable and dependable right from the start

“The people at Mintly really know what they’re doing and respond quickly to what the customer needs. The end result meets the requirements while taking into account the specifics of the industry.”

Aripekka Matikainen

Telecommunications Group Manager, Istekki Oy

PunaMusta Media Oyj asiakastarinan pääkuva: mies tyytyväisenä etätöissä tietokoneellaan.

Project delivery

PunaMusta Media: our entire business depends on information systems

“The best thing about our new network is that there is no more feedback from users – the network just works. When I visit different locations of our company, the experience is the same everywhere.”

Atso Norppa

ICT Manager, PunaMusta Media

Wide range of services

Are you looking for solid expertise in information networks and security systems?

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